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Value of Time vs Money

I have a special person in my life and she has been my inspiration and guidance since my birth. In our recent conversation she mentioned about the true value of time and how people waste it by giving more importance to money. Following is the excerpt from that conversation: We keep hearing people speak about the value of time but its unbelievable that most of us don't realise it, never take it seriously and very rarely get it into our head Let me say this to you again - Time is the most important thing in life. No matter what you do lost time won't come back. On the other hand money gone can be earned back. Every second is valuable and not worth wasting. If most of us think back and look through out lives we will realise that we did nothing great. Some don't excel in their career, don't excel in their earnings, kill off all the hobbies and never show interest in anything. People even don't enjoy their lives. And when they think deep why they lost time doing...
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