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Time for a United Telugu Front

Past few years have been stressful for a person of Telugu origin, be it a supporter of separate state or in favour of a unified state. The agitations had a bad impact on the economy of the state, which at one point, not distant past, has been the most talked about for its booming economy.

People in favour of a separate state for Telangana should not misunderstand ‘United Telugu Front’ to a ‘Unified State’. Regardless of Telangana state being formed or not it is apparent that a deep division has been created between Telugu people from Telangana and Non-Telangana region because of vested interests of Politicians and so called well-wishers. This division should be cured with utmost urgency and care, otherwise Telugu people will only have failed state(s). Idea behind ‘United Telugu Front’ is to have a common organisation for Telugu people which is non-political and which helps us fight as a single force.

It is very clear, after the issue of bail to a political leader, that central government doesn't care about us, the common man, of the state. As long as they win in next general elections they are ready to do literally anything. Sadly this is the state of every major political party, there are one or two small political parties that are an exception but they don’t get any media coverage as they don’t have their own media house.
Regardless of Telangana state formed or not we, the Telugu people, should be united. Unity is the only way we can keep the corrupt political leaders at bay. We can’t do the same mistake we did few hundred years ago when British rulers started taking control of our land.

Today, apart from Telangana statehood issue Telugu people are suffering from other grave issues like share of water from other states, failing agricultural system and poverty among many others. We have been depending on our elected governments to solve these problems for many decades now and they failed us miserably, not because they couldn't solve but just because political parties thrive on keeping these issues alive. If we don’t do anything and rely on governments believe me these issues will still remain for generations to come.

Why should we leave the issue of separate state, which is very sensitive and of utmost importance to us and our future generations, in the hands of our political leaders? Why should we keep waiting for statements from central government, which by the way doesn't know a damn about us or our problems? Why can't we discuss among ourselves on all the problems we are experiencing and come to a peaceful, useful and importantly a common decision?

Under the united front we shall openly discuss among ourselves about pros and cons of having one or two states. After extensive discussion on all the issues regarding separate state we can come to a common conclusion, not a Telangana people or Andhra people conclusion but a Telugu peoples' conclusion. If the decision is in favour of separate state we should discuss on how assets and liabilities will be divided, we should discuss how each new state will be helped by the other to develop, being administered by two different governments does not mean that Telugu people can’t be united. If the decision is in favour of having a single state then we should discuss on how to solve the root causes of the agitation.

Lastly after seeing all the news about the games our political parties are playing with our beliefs I hope we make a turning that brings joy to any true Telugite.


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